DMVMoves Task Force

Inaugural meeting of the DMVMoves Task Force.


Public Comment: Interested members of the public will be given the opportunity to make brief comments on transportation issues under consideration by the Task Force. For any member of the public who wishes to address the Task Force on the day of the meeting, they may do so by requesting to speak in person by emailing with the subject line: DMVMoves Task Force Public Comment. They may also submit written or audio/video recorded comments to Comments will be summarized and shared with Task Force members as part of their published meeting materials. These statements and registration must be received by staff no later than 5:00 P.M. on Friday, June 7 to be relayed to the Task Force at the meeting. In person public comment period of the meeting will be 15 minutes long. Individuals registered to speak in advance of the meeting will be given the opportunity to make public comments of 90 seconds. Individuals will be called to speak in order of which their registrations were received. Any individuals that do not have the opportunity to speak during the allotted agenda time can submit their comments electronically to be shared with the Task Force.

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