
About Us

Public transit benefits everyone – even people who rarely ride a bus, streetcar, or train. Every day, transit moves hundreds of thousands of area residents, decreasing traffic on our roadways and advancing climate goals. Transit anchors vibrant communities and attracts businesses and economic activity—generating major tax revenues. In our region, transit also supports national events and our largest employer, the federal government.

And while we are fortunate to have an extensive network of more than a dozen bus and rail systems throughout the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, it’s clear that differing service levels, fares policies, and funding and governing models don’t always work together for the benefit of transit users, or our region as a whole. We need to change that.

DMVMoves is a joint initiative by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) to develop a unified vision and sustainable funding model for public transit in our region. We believe that now is the right time to bring the DMV together to take a holistic look at our transit network and decide what our region wants and needs, how much it will cost, how we’ll pay for it, and how to best manage and govern it.

Over the next year, a task force of officials appointed by COG and WMATA will be guiding this initiative alongside two workgroups representing area jurisdictions, transit service providers and agencies, and business, labor, and community organizations.

Our goal is to build a better transportation network that ultimately serves the region’s mobility, sustainability, and economic needs for generations to come.

Thank you for your interest and let’s get moving!

DMVMoves Task Force

Charles Allen

Task Force Co-Chair
COG Board Chair
District of Columbia Councilmember

Paul Smedberg

Task Force Co-Chair
WMATA Board Vice Chair, Principal Director – VA

Angela Alsobrooks

Prince George’s County Executive

Malcolm Augustine

Maryland Senate President Pro Tem

Reuben Collins

Charles County Commissioner President

Matt de Ferranti

Matt de Ferranti

Arlington County Board Member

Kevin Donahue

District of Columbia City Administrator

Marc Elrich

Marc Elrich

Montgomery County Executive

Janeese Lewis George

Janeese Lewis George

District of Columbia Councilmember

Christina Henderson

District of Columbia Councilmember

Sharon Kershbaum

District of Columbia Department of Transportation Director

Sarah Kline

WMATA Principal Director – U.S. DOT

Marc Korman

Maryland Delegate

Dr. Tracy Hadden Loh

WMATA Principal Director - DC

Joe McAndrew

WMATA Principal Director - MD

Jeffrey C. McKay

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman

Jason Miller

Jason Miller

OMB Deputy Director for Management

Phil Mendelson

District of Columbia Council Chairman

Phyllis Randall

Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Chair

Michael Sargent

Virginia Deputy Secretary of Transportation

Mark Sickles

Virginia Delegate

Kate Stewart

Montgomery County Council Vice President

Scott Surovell

Virginia Senate Majority Leader

Randy Clarke

General Manager and CEO, WMATA

Clark Mercer

Executive Director, COG

DMVMoves is being supported by COG and WMATA staff, led by WMATA General Manager and CEO Randy Clarke and COG Executive Director Clark Mercer. The Task Force and Advisory Group meetings will be facilitated by two nationally recognized transportation leaders, Nuria Fernandez, a Former Administrator for the Federal Transit Administration, and Nick Donohue, Principal at Capitol Transportation Consulting. 

Jack McDougle

Advisory Group Chair
President & CEO, Greater Washington Board of Trade

The following organizations/agencies have been invited to participate to date: 

Bryan Hill

Advisory Group Chair
County Executive, Fairfax County

The following organizations/agencies have been invited to participate to date:

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